
Open Burning

Any and all burning in the unincorporated areas of St. Charles Township shall be in accordance with the enumerated below:

  1. The open burning of landscape waste shall only occur on the property upon which the landscape waste was generated.  The burning of any materials other than landscape waste and brush is prohibited.
  2. The following restrictions upon the open burning of landscape waste on the property upon which it was generated shall prevail:
    1. Burning is only permitted on sunny days between 10:00am and 3:00pm.
    2. Burning is not permitted when the wind is in excess of 10 miles per hour.
    3. Burning is not permitted within 20 feet of any building, structure or property line.
    4. Burning is not permitted when it is determined and announced by Kane County Health Department that inversion conditions or an ozone-alert exists.
    5. Burning is not permitted of any materials other than dry landscape waste or brush.
    6. Burning is not permitted on public or private roads, alleys, sidewalks or easements.
    7. All open burning must be supervised until the fire is extinguished.
    8. A fire extinguisher or garden hose or water source shall be available at the burn site.
    9. It is the responsibility of the individual conducting the burning and the owner of the property to satisfactorily determine that all conditions upon burning as noted above are complied with during any burning.
    10. It shall be unlawful for any person to cause or allow any open or uncontrolled burning of landscape wastes and/or other materials in violation of the above regulations and restrictions.

Effective January 1, 2003, the open burning of landscape waste, leaves and/or other materials, with the exception of brush, is prohibited in the unincorporated areas of Kane County.

These regulations are reflective only of what has been adapted by the Township and Kane County, as of the date of this publication, and may now be modified or amended.  For questions regarding current regulations, please contact the Kane County Health Department.

Any Violations of Burning Ordinances should be reported to the Kane County Sheriff Department at 630-232-8400.